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More Able and Talented

Parents' Guide to More Able and Talented


Vision Statement:

At Abertillery Learning Community, we believe that all pupils should have their aspirations raised, their potentials realised and their futures secured. We ensure this is achieved by creating an inclusive learning community that celebrates the uniqueness of all learners. The school will provide stimulating and challenging experiences through a broad and balanced curriculum and offer quality learning opportunities that focus on the particular needs, interests and talents of our children. We are committed to identifying and meeting the needs of all children as early as possible to enable them to achieve their full potential including our More Able and Talented (MAT) pupils.


If you think your child is More Able and Talented what can you do?


  • Share information with the school - parent consultations are a good time to do this or you could nominate your child to be registered as More Able and Talented for an extracurricular talent using the Google Form on our website.

  • Ask questions – we might be able to point you in the direction of external support and guidance or we can explain how we support MAT children in school. We can also recommend websites, books and other resources which may support your child’s interests.



How can you support your child?


  • Set time aside each day to talk with your child e.g. watch educational and current affairs programmes appropriate to your child’s age and discuss with them; talk about what they have learned in school today; discuss their dreams and goals or who/what inspires them;

  • Take the time to develop positive relationships with your child’s school and teachers;

  • Encourage your child to sample new activities e.g. visit museums, places of historic interest, science centres, nature reserves or art galleries, try new sports and hobbies;

  • Provide resources to support learning at home e.g. carefully chosen websites, visual stimuli, books, dictionaries, games, maps;

  • Encourage your child to participate in extracurricular activities at school and beyond, including summer schools, outreach and distance learning activities;

  • If your child complains about being bored, take the comments seriously and seek a solution with your child, and the school if appropriate;

  • Encourage your child to take an active part in family decision-making;

  • Finally, make sure your child also has time to relax and play!



What is the school doing to support your child?


  • There is a school policy for More Able and Talented pupils;

  • Children’s talents and abilities are identified and all staff are aware of their specific learning needs;

  • All teachers provide suitably challenging work/activities in lessons;

  • Extra-curricular opportunities within and outside of school are identified where appropriate;

  • The school works in partnership with parents/carers and external providers to cater for More Able and Talented pupils

Please use the ‘More Able and Talented Nomination Form’ to inform us of your child’s talents and abilities.


More Able and Talented Nomination Form - please click here

Abertillery Learning Community

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Headteacher: Mrs Tracey Jarvis

Deputy Headteacher:


Abertillery Learning Community, Alma Street, Abertillery, NP13 1YL

Telephone: 01495 369530

Copyright © 2024 Abertillery Learning Community

Raising Aspirations – Realising Potential – Securing Futures

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