Abertillery Learning Community - Pupil Development Grant
This statement details our school’s use of the PDG in 2024/2025.
The Pupil Development Grant (PDG) is funding given to all schools and educational settings in Wales. The aim of which is to raise the attainment of children and young people from low-income households by reducing the barriers that they often face to achieving their full potential. The funding is given on a financial yearly basis, based on the number of eligible children and young people.
School Overview
Number of learners in school - 2023 census (PLASC)
Proportion (%) of PDG eligible learners
Date this statement was published
Date on which it will be reviewed
June 2024
June 2025
Funding Overview
PDG Funding allocation
Early Years PDG funding allocation
Total budget for this academic year
Activity in this year
The delivery of a targeted and purposeful alternative curriculum to meet the needs of Key Stage 4 learners most at risk of becoming NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training).
The provision of Pastoral Leads to target wellbeing and mentoring, and transition support for eFSM learners and their families.
Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSA) with specialised training to support the emotional development of identified learners.
Literacy and numeracy interventions to support learning from Early Years to Key Stage 3.