School Uniform
At ALC our uniform plays a very important part of our identity. We understand that the cost of uniform can be a concern so we keep our uniform requirements to a minimum and we signpost families to additional support for these costs where required.
The primary uniform consists of:
Sweatshirts or cardigans with the school logo (Tillery St is red; Six Bells is burgundy; Roseheyworth Rd is jade green)
White shirts or polo shirts (no logo)
White shirts or polo shirts with no logo
Dark grey trousers skirts or pinafores
Black shoes
PE kit (no logo) – white polo shirt; black jogging bottoms or shorts and trainers
The secondary uniform consists of:
Black blazer and tie with logo
White shirt with no logo
Tailored black trousers or school check skirt
Black Shoes
PE Kit
Sports top with logo
Navy shorts or leggings no logo
Navy socks
Uniform Purchases
All items with a logo and the secondary skirt can be purchased from ALC via the order form on the Parentmail App. If you do not have Parentmail with ALC please contact 01495 355911 and speak to the Campus School Clerk for advice on ordering.
All items without a logo can be purchased from any retailers of your choice.