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Message from the Headteacher

Welcome to the Abertillery Learning Community Website

Thank you for taking the time to check out our website.

Everyone who works in the Abertillery Learning Community is committed to giving every learner the best opportunities to succeed both socially and educationally. As a staff we are committed to working with parents and carers and the wider community so that we achieve our aims.


We want to work together so that we have:

Learners that:

  • Believe that they can and will succeed

  • Achieve the best standards possible

  • Are motivated and think for themselves

  • Have the skills to achieve socially and academically as they move to the next stage of their learning

  • Are articulate, literate, numerate and digitally competent

  • Are well respected in the community

Staff that:

  • Expect all learners to achieve – have high aspirations for all

  • Deliver lessons and support that is at least good

  • Personalise the learning to meet individual need

  • Work collaboratively and in partnership – developing professional relationships across all sites and in the wider community – to provide the best possible learning experiences for all pupils

  • Plan and embed the skills necessary for lifelong learning

  • Take responsibility for the standards achieved by the pupils they teach and the areas they lead on

  • Are reflective about their own practice and seek feedback and support from colleagues in order to develop their practice

  • Are excited by the professional development opportunities available to them

A curriculum that:

  • Is meaningful and based on real life experiences

  • Excites and stimulates

  • Embodies the four principles

  • Is skills based

  • Takes into account what learners want to learn about

  • Promotes all areas of learning and subjects equally as well

  • Provides support and challenge for all learners

  • Builds on learners’ skills and experiences as they move through the different phases of learning (N to Y1, Y2 to Y4, Y5-Y8, Y9-Y11)

  • Has a community focus


Please see the Leadership tab under the Home section.

  • That helps all staff to develop to the best they can be through providing high quality professional development opportunities

  • That supports staff to achieve their goals

  • That consults, listens and takes into account the opinions of staff, pupils, parents and the community when making key decisions

  • That monitors and evaluates rigorously and honestly to ensure that systems and staff secure improvement for all pupils

  • That encourages innovation and risk-taking within a no blame culture

  • That distributes leadership responsibilities equitably and fairly

  • That builds partnerships within and beyond the local community

During this academic year the leadership team will work together to put in place consistent policies and procedures across all campuses and ensure that all learners have the opportunities to use and benefit from the Community resources. The leadership team will provide opportunities for staff to work together to share practice and ideas. We will also set up parent and carer forums so that we really listen to all our stakeholders. In this first year we will consult widely with pupils, parents and carers and staff as we move towards a standardised school day across all campuses and establish a staffing structure that promotes best practice.

I hope that you are happy with the education and care that we provide however if you have any ideas on how we can improve further or any issues please contact us.

I believe that together we are stronger and over the next weeks, months and years I hope we can work together to achieve excellence for every learner in Abertillery and Blaenau Gwent.

Abertillery Learning Community

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Headteacher: Mrs Tracey Jarvis

Deputy Headteacher:


Abertillery Learning Community, Alma Street, Abertillery, NP13 1YL

Telephone: 01495 369530

Copyright © 2024 Abertillery Learning Community

Raising Aspirations – Realising Potential – Securing Futures

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